PowerSongs by Lowry Olafson

In my new career as The Detail Conductor, content writer to the open-minded, I am once again networking a lot. A few days ago I spoke with Lowry Olafson who has one of the coolest businesses I’ve come across yet — and I’ve been networking with small businesses and entrepreneurs for years.

Lowry will write you a personalized Power Song focused on your life and goals. He calls them “athems for your life” and “affirmations on steroids.” Are you trying to make a change in your life? Are you celebrating an accomplishment? Do you need a tune to charge you up to meet challenges? Create it with Lowry.

Lowry told me he’s been a folksinger all his life, has recorded several albums and has toured internationally. For a while he led workshops for children, guiding them to write their own songs, and then began doing it with adults, one-on-one. Clients answer questions to get clear on the message they want, and then Lowry helps them create the lyrics and music.

Many of us have worked with affirmations. We write them on a card and tape them up near the bathroom mirror, or meditate on them, or write them down on paper 25 times a day orĀ  try in another way to get those words in our head. But one of the best ways to get words in your head — maybe the best way — is to turn it into a melody. And if it’s a melody you helped create, it’s a much more fun way to work a belief into your subconscious than writing it 25 times a day.

Recently Lowry started working with couples. He provides questions, and on their own (with Lowry nowhere around), the couple uses the questions to decide what aspect or story of their relationship the song will present. Then with Lowry they create a song that speaks directly to their souls.

I think this is one of the best, practical applications of original music I’ve heard of. Sure, there’s listening to it, but this gives you ownership of a piece of music that’s all yours. This is music that makes a difference. You can use it to celebrate your relationship (it’s a heck of a wedding or anniversary present) or create a personal anthem. Lowry lives in Canada, but works remotely. Take a look at how others have created their songs and used them to improve their lives at PowerSongs. I love this.


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