COVID Movie Fatigue

I posted on Facebook that I keep starting movies and abandoning them, never to return and finish, and my friend Jane called it “Covid movie fatigue.” Is this a thing? Do others have this?

Maybe the Medium audience can answer me in the comment section of It’s Very Hard to Leave My Apartment, which I just published. When I tweeted that Medium story, I created the hashtag #COVIDmoviefatigue. I’ll see if it goes anywhere.
Another friend described starting a movie, falling asleep, coming back later to try again, forgetting what happened in the movie, etc. That could be a variation of the same disorder.
What’s weird about this is that not being interested in movies is usually a depression symptom for me, but I’m not depressed. Apparently, I’ve gotten so far in healing my chronic depression that even the wearying conditions of the lockdown haven’t sent my mood down. I’m just bored.
So! This is boredom in the absence of depression. Hmm. It’s new for me. 
What I want right now is a good book, preferably an at-least-450-page horror novel with full characters and a riveting plotline. I want to lose myself in the medium that rescued me from a vulnerable childhood: books. I’ll have to work harder on finding that so I can stop going through movies like a kid taking just one bite of a bunch of cookies because none satisfies. Let me know if you have recommendations or recommendations of good movies with death and destruction in them. 
I’m always focused on death and destruction in my entertainment, but even more so now. I watched the HBO five-part series Chernobyl, which was excellent. I more recently finished AMC’s first season of The Terror, which is a fictionalized account of a failed nineteenth-century attempt to sail through the Arctic. That was excellent, too (it’s on Hulu). Both starred Jared Harris, on whom I’m a bit fixated right now. He portrays a great protagonist making the best of circumstances that are absolutely fucked.
Actor Jared Harris

Apparently I take a break from the horrific circumstances of the coronavirus by losing myself in someone else’s doom and it’s best if that doom actually happened in real life. AMC’s anthology series seems perfect for me. The Terror fictionalizes historical events that were horrific. Too bad it’s only produced two seasons so far.

I’m a great indoorswoman and never expected to reach the end of my patience with being inside my apartment, but I’ve finally gotten there. After seven weeks of the Chicago lockdown, I finally wish I could go out to eat even with someone I dislike at a restaurant with bad service. I didn’t know I had this limit.
Well, maybe I’ll go find a new snackfood at the grocery store. This is a boring blog post from a boring woman during a boring time.

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