I Prefer Physical to Emotional Pain

I had my usual dental checkup last week and my dentist told me to see a periodontist. I’ve had no pain, sensitivity to hot or cold or discomfort in my teeth whatsoever, but he said my gums looked dangerously receded, so I made the appointment.

The periodontist identified only three teeth that are in danger, so those are the ones that will get the gum grafts. That means he’ll take flesh from the roof of my mouth and tuck it in around the exposed teeth, like tucking a blanket in around children.

I’m not worried about the pain or the two-week mushy diet. Compared to major depression or other emotional trauma, I’d MUCH rather deal with physical problems. This kind of agony will be finite and easy for others to understand. I’ll get lots of sympathy, a day off work and my life will be interrupted only temporarily. I’m sick of isolating, endless emotional struggle so go ahead, dig into the flesh of my mouth, no problem.


  1. Unknown says:

    With so much to do, and a lot of blessings to be thankful for, there's no way you should entertain the idea of depression. Focus on good things, important stuff like taking care of your teeth. When you're confident with your dental health, you can easily flash your bright smile. You'll need to practice smiling to attract positive things.

    -Lenita Shives @ Dentist4Life

  2. Regina Rodriguez-Martin says:

    I'm sure it won't be that bad. In my experience, dental pain is finite, unlike a lot of emotional crap.

  3. Mick & Cathy says:

    ouch, that sounds like something i hope i never need doing.

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