Kat Jernigan Pottery (Talkin’ ‘Bout Nipples)

At the annual Glenwood Arts Fest yesterday, I could not resist purchasing this mug.

It sat among a table full of pottery, with several items that had ersatz testicles or penises. After feeling my usual weariness of more phallic imagery and wondering why we can’t have more vaginal imagery, I saw this lone breast-and-nipple mug at the end of the table. Aha!

I spoke to Kat Jernigan, the artist who created it. She said she makes many of of these mugs in different colors, but that Saturday she only had this one left. It was $35 and I’d already told myself I was done spending, but pink is my favorite color and I just had to have this.

Friends and I have talked about how there are all different kinds of breasts, but American culture only finds one kind of breast attractive. We’re also irritated by the American obsession with female nipples while male nipples can go naked with no outcry at all. Americans get squeamish about even the outline of a nipple on a completely clothed and covered female torso. Whether sexually aroused by them, offended by them or terrified of them, Americans become completely unbalanced about those tiny, infant-functional, otherwise unremarkable things that other countries/cultures hardly pay any attention to!


Kat Jernigan is my hero of the week. I forgot to ask what she calls this one, so I’ll call it my Jug Mug. Want your own? Check out Kat’s pottery pages on Etsy or her Instagram at KatJerniganPottery. Free the Nipple!

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  1. Regina Rodriguez-Martin says:

    I feel VERY lucky that I got the last Jug Mug and that it was pink. I just a enjoyed some hot chocololate in it.

  2. Meridith says:

    Definitely an amazing mug. There was a ton of great pottery at the festival this year! Your lucky that you were able to grab the last jug mug.

  3. classikal says:

    How cool that mug is! Great that she sold out of it, too. Thanks for sharing the photos and Kat's contact info.

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