Still Damn Busy

I have two jobs now: the full-time job I’ve had for five years and plan to stay in for 10 or 20 more, and my brand new Arbonne business. This has made me too busy to blog! All I can do right now are bullet points.

1. Hit my first month’s goal of $1,000 in sales for February and am gunning for $2,000 this month. Please go to and use my consultant ID (19557175) to order stuff.

2. Hit a wall when I did too much (regular job and Arbonne) in one week. Took a week to recover.

3. Trying to take it easy on myself, but it’s hard when I do things like lose a Delta airlines travel voucher for $400. Yeah, I did.

4. Am very aware that one of my 2014 goals is to get the dog ebook published, but right now I’m a 7-week-old Arbonne Independent Consultant who’s trying to reach financial solvency first. I’m doing the part-time job because I’m newly divorced and need to earn more money just for basic living.

5. How am I feeling about the divorce? Still baffled as to what was so horrible about being married to me that my husband ended it, but I’ll probably never get an answer to that, so I try to stay focused on how much happier I am single. I love being alone. My ex and I talk on the phone a few times a week just to check in. We’re one of those friendly divorced couples.

And that’s all I have time for, dammit. Looking forward to getting my life back under control. Oh, also I get another gum graft tomorrow which means a day off!

Update 4/16/21 See this post for what happened to my Arbonne business: Don’t Join MLM’s

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