
  1. whcf99 says:

    Thanks for the post and the comments. I have watched the series and one point I really found to be helpful: if you want to lose weight, eat less and if you want to maintain the weight loss, move more. I have tried to exercise to lose weight and it just doesn't seem to work very well. I can sabotage my exercise efforts with a few snacks. Thanks again.

  2. Regina Rodriguez-Martin says:

    Mick – right, you can't snack while plowing the field or doing laundry by hand, but we eat endlessly while watching TV or surfing the Net or working at our desks. Physical activity also keeps you from focusing on food. We've replaced all the traditional activities of daily living with eating.

  3. Mick & Cathy says:

    All the points here are good and very true but not quite the full story.
    I'm a great believer that the biggest single problem is exercise or lack of.
    Lifestyle in western countries as changed so much from a physical point and going to the gym few hours a week will not address the problem.
    Previous generations worked out almost perminantly without even thinking about it.
    Look at the number of labour saving devices around the home from the TV remote to automatic washing machine.
    Most jobs were labour intensive with lifting, climbing, pulling, as just part of it, now we have machines to do it, most jobs are desk based.
    As kids we went out to play (until dark)and didn't sit in our bedrooms playing on our x boxes or computors, we didn't have a phone we went around to see our friends.
    Count the cars down your street, back in the day we went to work or school on our feet or bikes.

    Saying all that here i am sat with my laptop on my knee, better get up and do something.

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